
Herbal Medicine


Women’s health issues


Cosmetic acupuncture


Weight Control










Emotional Welling

 Our emotional states are an important factor in our overall health. When our emotions are in flux, physical imbalances and illnesses are likely to surface.
Emotional well-being is a term that has seen increasing use in recent decades. The implications of decreased emotional well-being are related to mental health concerns such as stress, depression, and anxiety. These in turn can contribute to physical ill-health such as digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and general lack of energy. On the positive side, enhanced emotional well-being is seen to contribute to upward spirals in increasing coping ability, self-esteem, performance and productivity at work, and even longevity. Emotional well-being is also one of two aspects of personal well-being that can be measured in quantitative quality of life assessments, the other being 'life evaluation', the evaluation of one's life in general against a scale. It is a term receiving attention from many groups from new-age therapists to management consultants, from outdoor recreation enthusiasts to careers for the elderly. It is also of interest to many parents, youth workers, school teachers, anti-bullying campaigners and those thinking about retirement, as well as to psychologists and other health professionals.

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